Plants are friends! I could not put it easier for this season’s styling topic for the Urban Jungle Bloggers. The topic is ‘Plants & Words’ and my new letter peg board from Urban Outfitters came just in time! So yes, plants are friends! Because seriously: They are way more than just decoration. They are roommates, they keep us company, and they reward us with healthy growth. Here’s to plants!

According to today’s motto I want to share some of my old and new plant friends with you. Recently I received a little Monstera obliqua cutting by a friend that I potted, I found a Madagascar Jewel(Euphorbia leuconeura) on eBay that sits happily in the quirky eye planter by Urban Outfitters, and a new Spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum) sits next to my little teddy bear from Canada.

Also my Stapelia surprised me with two new blooms – the second time this year! I was so happy when noticed it! Moreover, can we talk about my obsession with face pots and planters? Meet my fancy new Utopia bowl named Carmen by famous American designer Jonathan Adler. I found this beauty in the webshop Markanto and really, really wanted it. Here it is – currently Carmen holds a large Tillandsia in her bowl. We will see what we will add in there soon. Additionally I have planted a new small Sansevieriain my face planter that I brought back from Canada. And from her looks I can tell, my bust of the Greek goddess Hygeia seems content in the urban jungle.

Also new is my tall Yucca standing between the bedroom and the living room. I like its thick and tall stem and the hair like leaves on top. It adds a real jungle vibe to my home – as if it wasn’t jungly enough already, ha! And I am not worrying about fresh supplies – lots of cuttings are thriving and rooting in the propagation cradle by Hilton Carter on my windowsill.

I also have a new climbing Monstera acuminata and a few new airplants for the coffee table. But you can never have too many plants, can you?

Here is more cuteness alarm: Can we talk about the super cutie mini watering can? I found it on Urban Outfitters and it is just perfect to water my small plants as the big watering can pours too much water for the little babies. Enough plant talk here, I need to go and see your interpretation of ‘Plants & Words’. Off I go. Oh and by the way: This was the last styling topic by the Urban Jungle Bloggers for now. Let’s see what we come up with for the future. Stay tuned and stay green!

Urban Jungle Bloggers is a monthly series initiated by 2 bloggers: Igor (Happy Interior Blog) and
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